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Add New WebApp Projectโ€‹

New Web App

Configure the WebApp Projectโ€‹

New Web App

Add the Nuget package to the WebApp Projectโ€‹

New Web App

Download and Install the latest Cash.NetCore from NuGet using Package Manager, CLI or by adding it to the Package Reference:

PM> Install-Package Cash.NetCore -Version 1.0.0
> dotnet add package Cash.NetCore --version 1.0.0
<PackageReference Include="Cash.NetCore" Version="1.0.0" />

For more details, visit BCH API.

Configure CashOptions in appsettings.json file of the WebApp Projectโ€‹

Update the file appsettings.Development.json for development environment and appsettings.json for production environment:

 "CashOptions": {
"Token": "", //(Optional, can be blank) Api-Key Token from BCH API
"Uri": "" // BCH API URI Testnet or Mainnet

Add the Configuration to the WebApp Project Program.csโ€‹

Update Program.cs file:

using Cash.NetCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

//read the configuration from appsettings.json and add it to the builder

Now you are ready to use the Cash.NetCore API.